We recently took a few days out from our annual stock take last week and also took a break from our ‘hire’ focus to rediscover what exactly is happening in the landscaping market. Naturally, because of the business that we are in, we were keen to see whether there is any innovation in the garden strimmer category and in particular petrol grass strimmers, or as we call them, brushcutters!

Brands aside for now, we enjoyed meeting up with the Press that write for the Landscape industry. Nice to see Sally Drury from Horticulture Week, who spoke highly about the DECIMATOR in her review. We’re looking forward to seeing their  ‘What Kit’ biannual report due out in April. It was also good to meet The Landscaper, the editor of which we’ll be talking with shortly and Pro Landscaper editor, Mr Bacon, was really interesting to talk to too.

We also spent some time with Landscape & Amenity and were impressed by their decent online presence, which consists of videos of the month and features. (At BesserTrim we take safety very seriously and have invested heavily in safety videos and so we’re hoping to feature here in the not-to-distant future.) Cutting long grass and clearing brush and scrub with a brushcutter can be extremely dangerous if a landscaper is unprepared and so always watch the safety briefings and read the manuals before attempting anything of this nature. For a full set of safety videos, please visit our your tube channel.

But back to show, we enjoyed chatting to Tudor Environmental who had a great stand and a fantastic brochure of goods to support the groundsmen that work for all the councils, school, colleges institutions. And also BAGMA with their bulletin were good to catch up with.

The usual suppliers of high quality machinery were all there, complete with glorious stands. But did we see any major innovations in the brushcutting category? Well we’re feeling a bit smug that the DECIMATOR remains, in our opinion, the best brush cutter innovation for landscape professionals so far!!