At BesserTrim we know the benefits of brushcutting with DECIMATOR heads and cutters, inside out. We can wax lyrical about this for hours (and often do). But there’s nothing like seeing and experiencing the DECIMATOR in action. Since the DECIMATOR’s launch last year, we have been inviting customers to send us short films of their brushcutters at work, so you can see for yourself.  Seeing is believing as they say…

See our brushcutter videos

You can see all our videos at our youtube channel








Our first customer is Dave Tiplady from the Midlands, who sent us a video of him performing winter maintenance in his Orchard. Dave already owned a heavy-duty strimmer but was using traditional spool fed line, so he decided to give the DECIMATOR a go and upgraded his machine by switching to a BesserTrim Professional Head and DECIMATOR cutters.  As you can see from the first video below, Dave was particularly pleased with how DECIMATOR cutters coped with cutting around trees and along the fencing. Not only did it take less time then usual, he didn’t have to pause to feed line into his brush cutter and so this, combined with greater efficiency, got job done much quicker and he seemed rather pleased too!

Our second customer, Rob Malcolm is a Landscape Gardener based in Cornwall. We gave him a free sample of the DECIMATOR to try out in his professional capacity. Not stranger to brush cutter blades and traditional nylon line, he was rather excited to give something new a go. In this short clip, you can see his brush cutter in action and he sums it up in one sentence. “Terrific! Everyone should have one of these DECIMATORS – they work wonderful”.

Our third customer is Mike Huges, a Manchester man that retired to look after a large garden in Cornwall.  He has a huge garden (three acres in all) that looks over a beautiful estuary and so he likes to keep his garden manicured as it frames his view of the river. He really raved about the DECIMATOR and is now one our most loyal customers.  He remarks on the fact that the job gets done in ‘no time’ because he doesn’t have to stop to change line.  He also goes through less line (DECIMATOR cutters are more durable) and so because they last longer, it saves a bit on the pocket too.

Upgrade your heavy duty strimmer..

The clips are short so please have a look!.  If you would like to have some free samples of DECIMATOR cutter (with a view to stocking them or have would like to try them yourself) then please call us on +44 (0) 1342 301594 or email us at

We can also send you a free BesserTrim Professional Head (which you will need to use DECIMATOR cutters, it fits any brushcutter that can take a blade) when you buy two packs of DECAIMTORS. See our shop for more details.